Wednesday, October 27, 2010

:( Ember

I think one of my girls, Ember (who is almost 22 months old) had a major stroke. :(

Last week she had some symptoms on her left side similar to what I have seen in people after a mild stroke, but was getting back limited use of her front paw. Well last night she must of had a major stoke bc today she cannot walk, seems disoriented and confused. She even feel off one of the shelves in the martin's cage when I found her.

:( My poor baby girl. I put her in one of my smaller, no level cages so she would be safer. But when I got home today she looks worse. She is just lying down and her legs seem useless out beside her, her eyes have porphyrin all over them and she does not want to eat or drink.

I do not know what is best for her, I realize she is dying and I am so sad for her. But I do not know if I should just keep her comfy and let her go on her own or do I take her to the vet to be put to sleep?

This is just awful and I am not sure I can handle it. I still have Chile (who so far is healthy) and Poppy (But Poppy has a large mammary tumor that is growing day by day) As much as I love my babies, I do not think I will be able to get anymore ratties any time soon.

A lifespan of two years is just too short and unfair.

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