Thursday, November 25, 2010


Poppy is still hanging in and doing ok. Her tumor has grown back completely and actually has two more tumors growing beside it now and they are getting bigger as well. :( Poor little girl, she has seemed a little depressed since we lost Ember and her tumor is making it harder for her to get around. I am still unsure what I am going to do. I worry about putting her through surgery again, but do not feel putting her to sleep is an option at this point either. She is almost 2 years old.


Rattie said...

How is your girl doing? I hope she is better. Two years old, such a great age for a rat.

CASEY said...

Hi there. I just posted a blog, but Poppy passed away yesterday peacefully and in her sleep. I decided not to remove her tumor again, since she was older and it did not seem to bother her. I comfort myself with the knowledge that Poppy had a great life and was such a busy happy rattie.